Aeronautics : PRM assistance in air transport

+33 00 00 00 00 00


Critères sécurité PMR

In aviation, people with reduced mobility are entitled to assistance with their transport. The aim of this assistance is to provide them with the means to use air transport in the same way as any other person. To this end, PRM safety principles and criteria have been established.

PRM rights

PRMs enjoy numerous rights within the airport, starting with assistance in getting to their seat and leaving the aircraft on arrival. An attendant is available for them. Similarly, in the event of damage to a mobility aid within the airport, a temporary replacement must be provided.

Care from airport to plane

From the moment they arrive at the airport to their seat inside the aircraft, PRMs benefit from assistance. And this in several ways.

Providing wheelchair information

If a wheelchair is required, it is provided. In addition, those in charge must inform PRMs about the wheelchair. Details of the wheelchair’s operation and use must also be provided. Staff must ensure that PRMs understand the information they have been given.

Airline responsibility

The safety and assistance of PRMs is also the responsibility of the airline operating the flight in question. It is therefore the airline’s responsibility to serve PRMs during the flight, ensuring that their needs can be met in all circumstances. Carefully established PRM safety criteria must also be respected.

Boarding the transfer vehicle

Finally, people with reduced mobility have the right to assistance on arrival. They must be taken off the plane and taken to the parking area or inside the airport. For this purpose, SOVAM PMR transfer vehicles are at their disposal, facilitating their movements.